Walden World

The wacky and wonderful tales of Beth's and Catherine's global adventures. And all things Walden too.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Jeronimos beware wrong thought

A glorious tour of Sao jeronimos monastery. Started in 1501 it was completed over 100 years later.  Fascinating to see an edifice begun in the late middle ages; austere, cold and Gothic finished some 100 years after.

Then the birth of Renaissance with their love of birds of paradise, fruits and vines.  In the mere century portugal had gone from medieval to "discovery" as the country calls it.

The discoverers found there beautiful fruits, plants and wondrous fauna of great curiosity.  Then the trend for everything in Europe to be light, gay and astonishing. 

The old solid column in the monastery sport rococo risen above grey firm foundations.

A couple came in to the amazing sacristy where I was puzzling over 14 brilliant panels of paintings of the life of st. Jerome.

I spent the neXt 20 minutes explaining the panels and architecture to the couple because I am a nerd who enjoys sharing knowledge.

The one panel I was quite at odds with involved Satan bringing books to st. Jerome. It was clearly a devil, all horns and pointy ears.   Then next panel St. Jerome being beheaded by St.  Michael while Christ cries.  Scary stuff.

Turns out he wakes up and it was all a dream.


Next day Jerome throws away all profane Christian books that do not agree with orthodoxy.

He learned to avoid wrong think.


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